Providing diverse solutions for product creation to meet various needs
enjoy smile Co.
Kanagawa Japan

Business Description

enjoy smile design

RC Models / Industrial design and development of various products. Tooling and product manufacturing.

Hobby Hive Creation

“Beehive” is a gathering place for hobby enthusiasts.
A productization platform collaboratively creating desired items.

Product Development Consulting Services

Support tailored to your needs. From marketing to design, development, manufacturing, and promotion

Digital Store Partner Services

Online store operations Management Sales Agency Sales Representation

Four Services Tailored to Your Needs

①enjoy smile design
We take on various tasks according to your needs, such as product design, engineering, prototyping, testing, and improvements. Depending on your preferences, we can also arrange manufacturing and production through our partnered facilities, delivering the final product to you. We are flexible in adjusting domestic (Japan) or overseas production (e.g., China) based on production volumes and pricing.

②Hobby Hive Creation
“Hobby Hive” symbolizes a gathering place for hobby enthusiasts, where individual efforts come together to achieve common goals. In “Hobby Hive Creation,” we collaborate with hobbyists to bring projects to life. From design and prototyping to manufacturing and sales, enjoy smile Co. provides the necessary resources to turn dreams into reality.

③Product Development Consulting Services
For B2C (Business to Consumer) products, we offer comprehensive support throughout the entire project, starting from market research to product planning, design, engineering, cost estimation, business plan development, sales promotion, marketing, and leveraging social media. Our services focus on enhancing product appeal, streamlining operations, and monetizing your business.

④Digital Store Partner Services
We provide a digital store environment for creators to sell their products in Japan and abroad through online sales. Additionally, we offer agency sales for those who may not have time to manage their sales. Moreover, products created through Hobby Hive Creation can be sold in our online store.